商业银行资产计量方法以及相关信息披露方面的缺陷使这次金融市场动荡雪上加霜。巴塞尔委员会于2007年对资产计量方法进行调研时,就已经发现了其中一些问题。委员会将在现有关于交易账户和公允价值计量方法的指南以及行业最佳惯例 的基础上制定指南,指导银行业监管机构对商业银行采用的资产计量方法是否严格进行评估,从而推动商业银行加强相关的风险管理。
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Announces Steps to Strengthen the Resilience of the Banking System
16 April 2008
The Basel Committee today is announcing a series of steps to help make the banking system more resilient to financial shocks. These include:
• Enhancing various aspects of the Basel II Framework, including the capital treatment of complex structured credit products, liquidity facilities to support asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) conduits, and credit exposures held in the trading book. At the same time, the Committee notes the importance of prompt implementation of the Basel II framework, as this will help address a number of the shortcomings identified by the financial market crisis.
• Strengthening global sound practice standards for liquidity risk management and supervision, which the Committee will issue for public consultation in the coming months.
• Initiating efforts to strengthen banks'' risk management practices and supervision related to stress testing, off-balance sheet management, and valuation practices, among others.
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