
  学习权司法救济范围的形成并非是立法者的偶然选择,必须将其置于一国行政法治的具体情景中予以全面考察,才可以尽可能地趋近社会实践。因为受案范围拓展与收缩受以下发展因素时时变动的深刻影响:其一,大学整体的自治水平与自律状况;其二,司法机关的宪法地位和纠纷化解资源占有比重;其三,大学生权利意识和自主观念的发展程度。 从这个意义上讲,我们所建构的司法审查范围亦应是一个开放的、动态的体系和框架,它将随着国家政治、经济、文化的发展不断地作出相应的调整与完善。
Talking about the judicial relief scope of college student’s right to learn

—— Discussion with professor Cheng Yan lei

Ni Hongtao

   Abstract: In order to make college student’s right to learn be mode, regular and institutionalized, “autonomy theory” must replace “external” standards, that is more close to the heart of academic matters, the smaller the breadth of judicial intervention, the weaker the strength, the anti-vice versa. At the same time, Because the "importance" Theory and the "theory of the fundamental rights" is convergence, and has shown the consistency in substance, especially “importance” of this "uncertain legal concept" is highly abstract and vague, In my view, they can be combined into a single justifiability criterion ,that is "the basic rights standards". In this way, protecting college student’s right to learn, the standard about scope of judicial review will be simple for the "autonomy standard " and "fundamental rights standards". The former is a conservative reflection mechanism, which restricts the non-rational expansion of judicial power, reviews their acts rational constantly and always uphold Modesty and homemade mentality. While the latter is a positive dynamic system, which the judiciary with an open posture adjust and amend the scope of judicial review and the policy timely, in accordance with the development of the times and social law awareness changes in the internal requirements, thereby flexible response to the reality of Justice demands.
 Keywords: college student  the right to learn 

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