1982年2月15日,欧盟通过了《关于已在正式的证券交易所上市的公司定期披露信息的82/121/EEC号指令》(Directive 82/121/EEC of the Council on Information to be published on a regular basis by companies the shares of which have been admitted to official stock-exchange listing,以下简称《82/121/EEC号指令》或《半年度报告指令》),以加强对上市公司半年度报告披露的监管协调。
1987年6月22日,欧盟通过了《关于修改80/390/EEC号指令的87/345/EEC号指令》(Directive 87/345/EEC of the Council on amending Directive 80/390/EEC coordinating the requirements for the drawing-up, scrutiny and distribution of the listing particulars to be published for the admission of securities to official stock exchange listing,以下简称《87/345/EEC号指令》),对《80/390/EEC号指令》第24条、25a条的有关内容进行了修改。
1990年4月23日,欧盟通过了《就相互承认招股说明书作为上市公告书事项修改80/390/EEC号指令的90/211/EEC号指令》(Directive 90/211/EEC of the Council amending Directive 80/390/EEC in respect of the mutual recognition of public-offer prospectuses as stock-exchange listing particulars,以下简称《90/211/EEC号指令》),《90/211/EEC号指令》又称《相互承认指令》。
1994年5月30日,欧盟通过了《就公布上市公告书义务事项修改80/390/EEC号指令的94/18/EEC号指令》(Directive 94/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on amending Directive 80/390/EEC coordinating the requirements for the drawing up, scrutiny and distribution of the listing particulars to be published for the admission of securities to official stock-exchange listing, with regard to the obligation to publish listing particulars,以下简称《94/18/EC号指令》)。
2001年5月28日,欧盟通过了《关于在正式的证券交易所上市和信息披露的01/34/EC号指令》(Directive 01/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the admission of securities to official stock exchange listings and on information to be published on those securities,以下简称《01/34/EC号指令》)。[7]
2、公布上市公告书(listing particulars)的义务及上市公告书的主要内容
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