
   Paul A.Brand,The Origin of the English Legal Profession,Law and History Review,Vol.5.No.1(Spring.,1987) 
   如英国历史上最伟大的法律史学家梅特兰就认为“普通法律师对自己法律制度以外的东西既不知悉也不关心”(F·W·Maitland,Why the history of English law is not written,The collected papers of Maitland,480-488,please see R·H·Helmholz,Continental Law and Common Law:Historical Strangers or Companions?,Duke Law Journal,Vol.1990,No.6.(Dec.,1990) 
   David J·Seipp,The Reception of Canon Law and Civil Law in the Common Law Courts before 1600,Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,Vol.13,No.3.(Autumn,1993) 
   R·H·Helmholz,Continental Law and Common Law:Historical Strangers or Companions?,Duke Law Journal,Vol.1990,No.6.(Dec.,1990) 
   David J·Seipp,The Reception of Canon Law and Civil Law in the Common Law Courts before 1600,Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,Vol.13,No.3.(Autumn,1993) 
   这里所探讨的罗马法对英国法影响的结果只限于宏观方面的表现,至于具体制度,正如T·F·T·Plucknett所言“罗马法对英国法的影响只能通过研究法院以及这些法院案卷中所记载的其曾经实施过的法律方能得以确定”(参见T·F·T·Plucknett,The Relations between Roman Law and English Common Law down to the Sixteen Century:A General Survey, The University of Toronto Law Journal,Vol.3,No.1.1939)。因此,本文的研究也只从宏观出发,而不探求细微。至于具体制度的影响,梁治平先生曾在《英国普通法中的罗马法因素》一文中进行过分析,但也仅限于普通法的一些方面。 
   普通法(Common Law)一词源于教会法中的“Jus commune”,而commune在这里是共同之意,意为教会法是欧洲的共同法,而之所以有普通法的称谓,则完全是误译所为。见Charles P.Sherman ,The Romanization of English Law,The Yale Law Journal,Vol.23,No.4. 
   See Vinogradoff,op.cit.,p50,quoted from M.Sarfatti,Roman Law and Common Law:Forerunners of a General Unification of Law,The International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol.3,No.1.(Jan , 1954)

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