法律文献引证注释规范(建议稿) 第六章 国外主要法律引注标准简介与参考

  Gan Chaoduan [干朝端], Jian li yi pan li fa wei zhu yao xing shi de si fa jie shi ti zhi [Establishment of a Judicial Interpretation System Primarily Based on Case Law 建立以判例法为主要形式的司法解释体制], 2001:3 Fa xue ping lun [Law Review 《法学评论》] 137, 139.
  Cao Yong & You Wenli[曹永、游文丽], “Xian li pan jue” zhen dong fa lü jie [“先例判决” 震动法律界 or the Adoption of “Judgments as Precedence” Shock the Legal Community] 2002—11 Fa lü yu sheng huo [Law and Life or《法律与生活》] 4.
  Han Junjie [韩俊杰], Henan Li Huijuan shi jian zai qi bo lan [The Case of Henan''s Li Huijuan Stirs up again《河南李慧娟事件再起波澜》] (February 6, 2004), reported at the website of Zhongguo qin nian bao [China Youth Daily or《中国青年报》] at http://www.cyol.com/zqb/gb/zqb/ 2004-02-06/content_ 813990.htm(last visited 2/12/04).
  Jia Wei [贾纬], Cai yong ji ti su song tiao jian shang bu ju bei [采用集体诉讼条件尚不具备 or Conditions for Adopting the System of Group Actions Are Not Ready Yet], October 29, 2002 Zhongguo zheng quan bao [China Securities or《中国证券报》] Electronic Version, at http://www.stocknews.com.cn /ztyj/zqsc/ 200210291161.htm(last visited Nov. 18, 2004).
  三、 美国《蓝皮书》有关国际法律文献的引注规则[*4/5](一) 国际条约或公约按照《联合国宪章》(the Charter of the United Nations)第102条的有关规定, 联合国的会员国要尽快向联合国秘书处报备双边和多边条约,而联合国秘书处则要及时出版所有的条约和公约,并提供和出版英文和法文版的条约和公约集,即《联合国条约系列集》(United Nations Treaty Series or U.N.T.S. for short)。所以当引用中国签订的国际条约或公约时,如有可能,应尽量引用《联合国条约系列集》里的英文版本,即:xxx 卷U.N.T.S. xxx页。
  1. 双边条约的基本引注要素和格式:
  name of agreement(条约或公约标题)date of signing(签订日期)China-the short form of the foreign country''s name article cited(引注条文条码)publication source(出版源)。
  Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People''s Republic of China with Respect to Mutual Exemption from Taxation on Transportation Income of Shipping and Air Transport Enterprises, March 5, 1982,引注为:
  Agreement with Respect to Mutual Exemption from Taxation on Transportation Income of Shipping and Air Transport Enterprises, March 5, 1982, China-U.S., art. 3, 2014 U.N.T.S. 423.
  《中华人民共和国和泰王国引渡条约》第5条(1994.03.05) (载《北大法律信息网》,北法条约1565),可引注为:
  Treaty of Extradition, March 5, 1994, China-Thailand, art. 5, available at Chinalawinfo.com.
  2. 多边条约或国际公约的基本引注要素和格式:
  name of agreement(条约或公约标题)date of signing(签订日期)article cited(引注条文条码)publication source(出版源)。

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