法律文献引证注释规范(建议稿) 第六章 国外主要法律引注标准简介与参考

  Contract Law (promulgated by the Nat''l People''s Cong., Mar. 15, 1999, effective Oct. 1, 1999) art. 38, translated in LawInfoChina (last visited August 15, 2005) (P.R.C.).
  He dong fa [Contract Law] (promulgated by the Nat''l People''s Cong., Mar. 15, 1999, effective Oct. 1, 1999), art. 38, 1999 She wai fa gui hui bian 85 (P.R.C.).
  (2) 或同时引注中文原文和英文翻译版本:
  He dong fa [Contract Law] (promulgated by the Nat''l People''s Cong., Mar. 15, 1999, effective Oct. 1, 1999), art. 38, 1999 She wai fa gui hui bian 85, translated in LawInforChina (last visited August 15, 2005) (P.R.C.).
  如果引用的文献有英文翻译版本,且英文翻译版本具有权威性,应尽量引用该英文翻译版本。如在引用法律和法规时,若引用的法律法规的英文版本包含在人大常委会法工委编译的《中华人民共和国法律(英文)》(Laws of the People''s Republic of China)里,可引注该出版物。但是,《中华人民共和国法律(英文)》自1987年以来,每年才出版1册,而且英文翻译的中国法律法规毕竟有限。国内目前最大的英文版的中国法律数据库是在北大法律信息网的英文网站上的 “Laws and Regulations”(http://www.lawinfochina.com),虽然不是官方的翻译版本,但因其翻译较准确,所以建议应尽量引注该网站上的英文版的中国法律法规。如果引用的法律文献能在其他出版物或网站上找到,也可注明英文翻译版本的出版物或网站。
  《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》的英文翻译出版在由美国William S. Hein出版公司出版的Competition Law in China 一书中,该法律英文翻译版的引用,可引注为:
  The Anti Unfair Competition Law of the PRC (promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat''l People''s Cong., Sept. 2, 1993) translated in Chaowu Jin & Wei Luo, Competition Law in China 211 (Hein, 2002) (P.R.C.).
  Measures for the Administration of Preliminary Examination of the Land Used for Construction Projects (promulgated by the Ministry of Land and Resources, Oct. 29, 2004, effective Dec. 1, 2004) translated in LawInfoChina (last visited July 18, 2006) (P.R.C.).
  (四) 案例、审判文书、裁判文书
  汉语拼音案例名 [可加英文翻译/中文原文] (法院,判决年)(PRC)可加引源。
  汉语拼音案例名 [可加英文翻译/中文原文] 判例汇编(法院,判决年)(PRC)。
  Dayang gong si su Huanghe gong si [Dayang Co. v. Huanghe Co. 大洋公司诉黄河公司] (Supreme People''s Court, 2003) (P.R.C), available at http://law.chinalawinfo.com/newlaw2002 /SLC/SLC.asp?Db=cas&Gid=33555140 (last visited December 7, 2004).
  Wang Liyi, Zhang Lixia su Shanghai Yin He bin guan [Wang Liyi & Zhang Lixia v. Shanghai Silver River Hotel 王利毅、张丽霞诉上海银河宾馆] 2001 Supreme People''s Court Gazette. 55 (Supreme People''s Court, 2001) (P.R.C.).

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