Dose the Word Jury mean judge accompanying someone In the USA.?——confirm the exact meaning of Jury
【摘要】笔者认为对西方司法制度“Jury” 翻译为“陪”审严重有误,应当直接译为“裁判团”。文章基于1787美国联邦
It is wrong to translate the word Jury,The judicial system of the West, into the meaning of judge accompanying someone, which should be translated into the word “裁判团”.According to the provision relating to the system of Jury of the fifth, sixth, seventh amendment to the 1787 constitution of the United States, give a analysis of the text separately, confirm the exact meaning of Jury. There three features of Jury, one is judge by peers, the other is the judge in the court plays the role of host, and the decision is made together, another is Juror is selected random. So it can be conclude that the word Jury must be regard as the temporary group of citizens, or translated into “裁判团” for short.
Jury, translating problem, trial by peers, decide together, select randomly, group of judge