
Campell v. MGN Limited (Decision House of Lords May 6,2004), Paragraph 51-52 (by Lord Hoffmann), IIC 2004, p. 738; see also Douglas v. Hello! Ltd QB 967, 1001 (IIC 2003, 337).

Campell v. MGN Limited, Paragraph 82 (by Lord Hope), IIC2004, p. 741.

本案中《镜报》的报道包含下列内容:(1)坎贝尔吸毒的事实;(2)她因为有毒瘾正在接受治疗的事实;(3)她所接受的治疗是由Narcotics Anonymous提供的;(4)治疗的细节,包括多长、多频繁、一天中的哪些时间、治疗的方式、坎贝尔的投入程度等;(5)照片。参见:Campellv. MGN Limited, Paragraph 88 (by Lord Hope), IIC2004, p. 741.

Clayton/Tomlinson, The Law of Human Rights, OxfordUniversity Press 2000, paragraph 15.162.

Campell v. MGN Limited, Paragraph 116-121 (by Lord Hope),IIC 2004, pp. 744-745. 上议院的Hale女男爵(Baroness)也持同样的观点。参见:Paragraph 139-148, IIC 2004,pp. 747-749.

“The Propects for development in the near future of coherentprotection for privacy in the law of torts appear bleak. Progress at thepractical level of the translating concern about privacy into workable law isobstructed by an inability to solve the theoretical difficulties with the valueof privacy and its relationship to other values.” Roderick Bagshaw,Obstacles on the Path to Privacy Torts, in: Peter Birks (Editor),Privacy and Loyalty, Clarendon Press 1997, p. 144.

“without privacy, we lose our very integrity as persons.” CharlesFried, Privacy, 77 Yale. L. J. 475, 477 (1968).

“The abundance of definitions could be taken to suggest that noneof them is entirely satisfactory.” Markesinis and Deakin, Tort Law, 5thedition 2003, p. 701.

“…the sence of what must be kept ‘private’, of what must be hiddenbefore the eyes of others, seems to differ strangely form society to society.” JamesQ. Whitmann, The Two Westen Cultures of Privacy: Dignity Versus Liberty,113 Yale L. J. 1151, 1153 (2004); Hans Peter Duerr, Der Mythos vomZivilisationsprozess, Suhrkamp 1988, S. 59-72.

Zweigert/Kötz,Einfühung in die Rechtsvergleichung, 3. Aufl. 1996, S.700 ff.

James Q. Whitmann, 113 Yale L. J. 1151, 1196 (2004); JeffreyRosen, The Destruction of Privacy in America, 2000, p. 48.

Jeanne M. Hauch, Protecting Private Facts in France: The Warren & Brandeis Tort Is Alive and Well and Flourishing in Paris, 68 Tul.L. Rev. 1219, 1254 f. (1994).

有评论认为,这种保守态度正是他成功连任的重要原因。Economist, November 6th-12th 2004, p. 23-27.

Eric Barendt, Privacy as a Constitutional Right and Value,in: Peter Birks (Editor), Privacy and Loyalty, Clarendon Press 1997, p.9-10.

如欧洲国家允许在某些公共场合(如某些特别划定的公共草坪)裸体进行日光浴,民众也习以为常,但这些国家往往严格禁止传播特定人的裸体照片(当然,自愿拍摄的裸体图片例外)。美国则相反,裸体在美国并不常见,但对传播(比如在网络上)裸体图片则持宽松态度。James Q. Whitmann, 113 Yale L. J. 1151 (2004).

“Freedom of expression just about always wins in America—both inprivacy cases and in cases involving infliction of emotional distress…”JamesQ. Whitmann, 113 Yale L. J. 1151, 1209 (2004).

Melville B. Nimmer, The Right of Publicity, 19 Law &Contemp. Probs. 203 (1954). 其实,在这一点上,德国、英国的制度也是类似的。如英国法上就有很多用“诽谤”(tort of defamation)这个侵权类型来处理通过使用他人照片来获利的行为。Tolleyv. Fry AC 333; J. G. Fleming, The Law of Torts, 8th edition 1992,p. 605 (footnote 44).

歌德认为享有人格是人类的大幸(höchstes Glück);杰斐逊则认为对与民主政治而言,自由媒体要比政府更重要。转引自:Löffler, Persönlichkeitsschutz und Meinungsfreiheit,NJW 1959, 1 (Fn. 2-3).

“…a European interest in personal dignity, threatened primarily bythe mass media, …an American interest in liberty, threatened primarily by thegovernment.” James Q. Whitmann, 113 Yale L. J. 1151, 1219 (2004).

Warren/Brandeis, The Right to Privacy, 4 Harv. L. Rev. 193(1890).

“the most influential law reviewl article of all” Harry Kalven,Privacy in Tort Law—Were Warren and Brandeis Wrong?, 31 Law & Contemp.Probs. 326 (1966).

“Freedom of expression has been the most deadly enemy of continental-styleprivacy in America.” Whitman, 113 Yale L. J. 1151, 1209 (2004).

耶鲁教授Whitman在他的新近的文章里甚至从沃伦与布南戴斯的身份说起——他们都是早期的欧洲移民,其中布南戴斯的父亲是1848年到的美国,布南戴斯本人1870年代甚至还在德国读了中学。Whitman进而指出,二人的观点在很大程度上是受大陆法的影响,美国法后来的发展并没有按照二人的思路进行。Whitman, 113 Yale L. J. 1151, 1202-1211(2004). 类似的观点,参见DianeL. Zimmermann, Requiem for a Heavyweight: Farewellto Warren and Brandeis’s Privacy Tort, 68 Cornell L. Rev. 291 (1983).

Jed Rubenfeld, The First Amendment’s Purpose, 53 StanfordLaw Review 767 (2001).

第一个案件发生在一战期间。当时的社会党人向应征入伍者发传单,进行反战宣传。霍姆斯指出,如果在和平时期,社会党人应当受到宪法第一修正案关于宪法言论自由规定的保护。但是,“一项行为的性质,取决于其所发生的环境。即使是最严格的保护言论自由的规定,也不会保护那些在剧院里喊失火从而引起恐慌的行为。”如果有关的言论将造成清楚(clear)和现实(present)的危险,引起国会有权加以阻止的重大灾难,则该言论就应受到惩罚。Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47, 51-52 (1919). 第二个案件在Schenck案发生后不久,也涉及反战的言论。不过霍姆斯在第二个案件的判决中认为被告应当受到言论自由的保护,因为其并不是直接向应征者发传单,而只是发表了有关言论和泛泛地(没有特别的针对应征入伍者)散发传单。某个观点只有在与其他观点比较和竞争中获胜才能证明其正确。“政府压制不同的言论,将会损害真理。”Abrams v. United States 250 U.S. 616, 630(1919). 以上两个案件转引自:Richard A. Posner, Law, Pragmatism, andDemocracy, Havard University Press2003, p. 359 f.

Posner (2003), p.365.




在现代社会中,体育和娱乐往往同时也意味着巨大的经济利益。而经济很多时候就是政治话题的核心。我们基本政治路线“一个中心、两个基本点”中的“中心”不就是“经济”么?德国有学者持有更极端的观点,认为不能根据新闻的用途来确定不同的新闻自由程度。参见Gebhard Rehm,Persönlichkeitsschutz Prominenter und Pressfreiheit der Unterhaltungsmedien, Zeitschriftfür Medien- und Kommunikationsrecht (AfP) 1999, 416 (420-423).

Thomas I. Emerson, The Right of Privacy and Freedom of thePress, 14 Havrvard Civil Rights- Civil Liberties Law Review 329, 405 f. (1979).

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