BVerfGE 101, 361 (371-376).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (376-379).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (376).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (380).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (380 f.).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (381).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (381-383).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (382-384).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (385).
宪法法院引用了学界的有关研究:Berg/Kiefer (Hrsg.), Massenkommunikation(Band V), Hase & Koehler 1996。
宪法法院引用了学界的有关研究:Pürer/Raabe, Medien in Deutschland, Band1, 2. Aufl., Ölschläger 1996, S. 309-310。
BVerfGE 101, 361 (390).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (391).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (392).
BVerfGE 101, 361 (394).
该判决(EGMR(III. Sektion), Urt. v. 24.6.2004 – 593200/00)的德文版,见NJW 2004, 2647 ff.(由Petzold教授等翻译);英文版,见International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law (IIC) 2004,672 ff.
NJW 2004, 2647 (2649).
NJW 2004, 2647 (2650 Tz. 66); 这一点是欧洲人权法院和德国宪法法院的核心分歧。参见:Andreas Heldrich, Persönlichkeitsschutz und Pressfreiheit nachder Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, NJW 2004,2634 (2635).
NJW 2004, 2647 (2650 Tz. 69).
NJW 2004, 2647 (2650 Tz. 72-74).
NJW 2000, 1021 (1025).
IIC 2004, 672 (684).
NJW 2004, NJW 2004, 2647 (2652).
“I believe that this same criterion is valid for photos showing theapplicant in other situations in her daily life in which she cannot expect herprivate life to be protected. I have in mind the photos of her doing hershopping. However, other photos - for example those of the applicant onhorseback or playing tennis - were taken in places and circumstances that wouldcall for the opposite approach.” IIC 2004, 672 (684).
IIC 2004, 672 (685).
Andreas Heldrich,Persönlichkeitsschutz und Preisfreiheit nach der EuropäischenMenschenrechtskonvention, NJW 2004, 2634 (2636).
BVerfGE 74, 358 = NJW 1987, 2427; BVerfG NJW 1991, 1043 (1044).
http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=131725(last visit: 2004-10-17).
根据《欧洲人权公约》第43条第1款的规定,(在例外的情况下)当事人可以在判决做出后3个月内就法律审部分向大审判庭(Große Kammer)提出申诉。
宪法法院等重要机构的观点后,决定不对欧洲人权法院的判决提出申诉。德国司法部长Zypries认为:“再继续诉讼下去,无助于德国法律在该领域内的确定性。”另外,德国政府也不准备通过修改法律来贯彻欧洲人权法院的判决,而是通过要求法院在未来的审判中参考欧洲人权法院判决的方式来加以贯彻。不过德国政府特别强调:“对政治家的批评性报道、对政治丑闻的报道以及调查性的新闻报道不受该判决的影响”。见Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16. November 2004, S. 1.
NJW 2004, 2647 (2648).
Markesinis/Deakin, Tort Law, 5th edition 2003, pp. 696-700.
英国曾有两个案件,一个是气球飞过土地上空(Pickering v. Rudd (1815) 4 Camp. 219 ),一个是飞机飞过土地上空,并给原告的房子拍了照(Bernstein v. Sky News Ltd. QB 479)。在这两个案例中,法官都裁决认为并未构成侵入,因而也未侵犯原告隐私。转引自:Sir Brian Neill, Privacy: A Challenge for the Next Century, in: Basil S. Markesinis(Editor), Protecting Privacy, Oxford University Press 1999, p. 5.
Sir Brian Neill(前引文), p. 6.
Sir Brian Neill(前引文), p. 7-8.
EC Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC).
Markesinis/Deakin, Tort Law, 5th edition 2003, p. 701.
“This is by far the most dificult, though the most common, categoryof invasion of privacy and the one that brings out most clearly the clash ofone person’s right to be left alone versus another person’s right to be informed.”Markesinis/Deakin, Tort Law, 5th edition 2003, p. 704.
Francis Gurry, Breach of Confidence, Clarendon Press (Oxford), Oxford University Press (New York), 1984.
Markesinis/Deakin, Tort Law, 5th edition 2003, p. 705-06.
如英国的(新闻投诉委员会)Press Complaint Commission在黛安娜王妃去世后修订的行业规范关于隐私保护方面的内容是:1. Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and familylife, home, health and correspondence. A publication will be expected tojustify intrusions into any individual’s private life without consent. 2. Theuse of long lens photography to take pictures of people in private places isunacceptable. Note—Private places are public or private property where there isa reasonable expection of privacy. 参见:http://www.pcc.org.uk/cop/cop.asp (last visit: 2004-11-3).
“In recent years, however, there have benn two developments of thelaw of confidence, typical of the capacity of the common law to adapt itself tothe needs of contemporary life. One has been an acknowledgement of theartificiality of distinguishing between confidential information obtainedthrough the violation of a confidential relationship and similar informationobtained in some other way. The second has been the acceptance, under theinfluence of human rights instruments such as article 8 of the EuropeanConvention, of the privacy of personal information as something worthy ofprotection in its own right.” Campell v. MGN Limited (Decision House ofLords May 6, 2004), Paragraph 46 (by Lord Hoffmann), see IIC 2004, 737.