
Manfred Weiss, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers(1987)p 180.

Gunter Endruweit and Gerhard Berger, ‘The Functioning of Institutionalised Forms of Workers’ participation:Seen from a Social Perspective’, Current Issues in Labour Relations:An International Perspective, edited by A. Gladstone, R. Lansbury, J. Stieber, T. Treu, M. Weiss, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 30(1989) p93.

Manfred Weiss, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers(1987) p 180.

Gunter Endruweit and Gerhard Berger, ‘The Functioning of Institutionalised Forms of Workers’ Participation:Seen from a Social Perspective’, Current Issues in Labour Relations:An International Perspective, edited by A. Gladstone, R. Lansbury, J. Stieber, T. Treu, M. Weiss, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 30(1989)p93.

Manfred Weiss, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers(1987)p 180.

Gunter Endruweit and Gerhard Berger, ‘The Functioning of Institutionalised Forms of Workers’ Participation:Seen from a Social Perspective’, Current Issues in Labour Relations:An International Perspective, edited by A. Gladstone, R. Lansbury, J. Stieber, T. Treu, M. Weiss, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 30(1989) p93.

Ole Hasselbalch, “Worker participation in decisions within undertakings”, International Congress Reports and Proceedings of International Society for Labor Law and Social Security, Volume 1, edited by Benjamin Aaron & Donald F.Farwell, The Bureau of National Affairs, inc. Washibgton, D. C.(1984)p175.

Olof Bergqvist, “Worker participation in decisions within undertakings”, International Congress Reports and Proceedings of International Society for Labor Law and Social Security, Volume 1, edited by Benjamin Aaron & Donald F.Farwell, The Bureau of National Affairs, inc. Washibgton, D. C.(1984)p377.

Julian Phillips, Australia, "Worker Participation in Management Decisions”, International Congress Reports and Proceedings of International Society for Labor Law and Social Security, Volume 1, edited by Benjamin Aaron & Donald F.Farwell, The Bureau of National Affairs, inc. Washibgton, D. C.(1984)p 45.

Coopers & Lybrand, Employment Law in Europe: A Country by Country Guide for Employers, Gower Publishing Company(1992), p 27, p161,p190.

Final report on European systems of worker involvement with regard to the European Company Statute and the other pending proposals of May 1997 by group of experts.

M. Biagi, p 347; Manfred Weiss, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers(1987) p 180, 181.

Manfred Weiss, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers(1987)p 181.

M. Biagi, p 347.

Manfred Weiss, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers(1987)p 180, 181.

Manfred Weiss, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers(1987) p 181, 182.

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