

Civil Law Spirit and Its Interpretation


Rat ional interpretation of civil law is the necessary safeguard for the realization of civil justice. How ever, the traditional civil interp retation overlooked the concept of “civil law ” while overstressing the way to “interpret”. Interpreting civil law should start from the basic values of the law it self and take them as the fundamental rules of the interpretation. Such fundamental principles of civil law are the consolidated embodiment of the law ’s essential values. To define the connotation and ex tension of civil law ’s fundamental principles and to w ell address the potential conflict s among them is the necessary precondition for the establishment of the rule for the rat ional interpretat ion of civil law. Civil law spirit handles the technical ways of interpretat ion of civil law , objectively and fairly resolve civil disputes by respecting relevant parties’ procedural rights, cultivate peoples beliefs in law and show the vitality of law so that the process of the construction of rule of law m ay be accelerated.
interpret ion of civil law; fundamental principles of civil law; civil law spirit
  “法律的现代化及正义的实践莫不系于方法的认识、接受与应用,不然小则免不了各说各话,不能客观严谨地论断是非,大则免不了强词夺理,根据主观利益颠倒是非。”[1] (序言) 笔者引黄茂荣先生此段话之目的在于说明法学方法在法学研究过程中以及其他法律生活中都颇具意义,在民法中尤其是民法解释学中亦然。民法解释在民事规范的适用中,地位之举足轻重自不待言,因为那是适用和正确适用的重大前提,发挥民法效用和实践正义皆系于此,所以民法解释方法务须一致,切不可像黄先生所言的“各说各话”,甚至“颠倒是非”。若解释者从己身出发任意解释各执一端,则会使“判例分歧现象” 及规范不统一现象日渐增生。法律的生命力是依靠个案的公正体现出来的,法规范及判例不统一乃法律生活之大忌。若此现象不予遏制则必害及法律权威,亦害及人们对法律之基本信赖。信赖的丧失则会导致法治之路步履维艰。

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