Kington by-pass案件就是这方面一个绝好的事例。交通部部长提出一条主干公路的建设规划,并依照法律进行“公开调查”。在听证会上,部长派出的官员宣读了一份有关该建设规划的说明,出示了相关文件和具体方案。他没有传唤任何证人,对反对意见也不回应;当反对者质问该计划的必要性、主张替代方案的优点,他拒不回答任何问题。就是这样一个纯粹走过场的听证,法院仍然认为它是有效的。Re Trunk Roads Act 1936 2 KB 515. 相关规则的发展,参见H. Wade & C.Forsyth, Administrative Law (8th, Oxford Press, 2000), p.950.
Kanda v.Government of Malaya AC 322, at 337.
R. v. Ealing Magistrate’s Court, ex parteFanneran 8 Admin. LR 351.
Wilsonv. Secretary of State for the Environment 1WLR 1083; WaitemataCounty v. Local Government Committee NZLR 689, at 698-699.
TheTown and Country Planning Act 1990, s. 65.
Townand Country Planning (Amendment) Act 1972, s. 7 (1).
Boardof Trustee of the Maradana Mosque v. Mahmud 1AC 13, at 24-25.
LauLiat Meng v. Disciplinary Committee AC 391.
R. v. Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner, ex parteHowell RTR 52.
R. v. Paddington etc. Rent Tribunal, ex parte Bell LondonProperties Ltd. 1KB 666.
FairmountInvestments Ltd. v. Secretary of State for the Environment 1 WLR1255.
R. v.Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, ex parte Ince 1 WLR 1334,at 1345.法院撤销委员会决定的主要理由是,该委员会对于“为防止犯罪”这一赔偿条件理解错误。
R. v.Rodney and Minister of Manpower and Immigration (1972) 27 DLR (3d) 756; R. v.Chance, ex parte Coopers & Lybrand 7 Admin LR 821, 835 H. “突然袭击是公正的敌人。”Ibid, 835 H
R. v.Deputy Industrial Injuries Commissioner, ex parte Jones 2 QB 677.
Universityof Ceylon v. Fernando 1 WLR 223; Re Pergamon Press Ltd. Ch. 388.
R. v.Joint Higher Committee on Surgical Training, ex parte Milner Admin. LR 454.
R. v.Poole Borough Council, exparte Cooper, The Times, October 21, 1994.
R. v.Secretary of State for Health, ex parte US Tobacco International Inc. QB 353.
R. v.Canterbury of Archbishop, ex parte Morant KB 282, at 292.
R. v.Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Abdi, The Times,March 10, 1994 (High Court); The Times, April 25, 1994 (Court of Appeal); 1 WRL 298 (House of Lords)..
R. v.Gaming Board for Great Britain, ex parte Benaim and Khaida 2 QB417.
R. v.Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Duggan 3 AllER 277.
R. v.Kent Police Authority, ex parte Godden 2 QB 662.
Erringtonv. Minister of Health 1 KB 249.
dward Coakley, Coakley Bus Company Ltd. and Central Bus Company Ltd. v.Transport Tribunal (No. 2) LLR 211(Court of Session).
Palmerv. Inverness Hospitals Committee SC 311; Wilcox v. HGS ICR 306.
R. v. Thames Magistrate’Court, ex parte Polemis 1 WLR 1371;R. v. Grays Justices, ex parteGraham QB 1239;R. v. North and East Devon Health Authority, ex parteCoughlan Lloyd’s Rep. Med. 306.
R. v. Secretary of State for Social Services, ex parteAssociation of Metropolitan Authorities 1 WLR 1, at 4, per Webster J..
Priddlev. Fisher and Sons 1 WLR 1478. 另参见Re M (an infant) 1 WLR 1897; Rose v.Hunbles 1 WLR 33; Lucy v. Royal Board of Kensington and Chelsea COD 191.
Ostreicherv. Secretary of State for the Environment 1 WLR 810.
SupermarchesJean Labrecque Inc. v. Labour Court (1987) 43 DLR (4th) 1. 这家少年法庭还拒绝了一名社会工作者为被告提供的援助。法院认为,这也是违背自然正义的。
DeVerteuil v. Knaggs AC 557, at 560-561.
Jamesv. Institute of Chartered Accountants 98 LT 225.
Glynnv. Keele University 1 WLR 487.
R. v.Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Al-Mehdawi 1AC 876. 与之不同的判决,参见R. v.Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Rahmani QB 1109, AC475.