Glynn v.Keele University 1 WLR 487.
R. v.Hull University Visitor, ex parte Page AC 682.
ColegElidyr (Camphill Communities Wales) Ltd. v. Koeller and another EWCA Civ 856.
Schmidtv. Secretary of State for Home Affairs 2 Ch. 149.
Re H. K.(An Infant) 2 QB 617; Att-Gen of Hong Kong v. Ng Yuen Shiu 2 AC 629.
R. (onthe application of L) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department 1 All ER 1062.
R. v.Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Cheblak 1WLR 890.
Schmidtv. Secretary of State for Home Affairs 2 Ch. 149, at 168-170, per Lord Denning.
W.Hohfeld, “Some Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Appliedin Judicial Reasoning”, (1913) 23Yale Law Journal 16. 相关评论参见王涌《寻找法律概念的“最小公分母”:霍菲尔德法律概念分析思想研究》,《比较法研究》1998年第2期 。
Councilof Civil Service Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service AC 374.
loniluyi v. Secretary of State for the Home Department Imm AR 135.
R. v.Croydon Justices, ex parte Dean QB 769.
R. v.Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Khan 1 WLR1337.
R. v.Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Ruddock 1WLR 1482.
HTVLtd. v. Price Commission ICR 170
R. v.Inland Revenue Commissioners, ex parte Unilever STC 681
Cinnamondand Others v. British Airport Authority 1 WLR 582.
R. (onthe Application of Hamid Ali Husain) v. Asylum Support Adjudicator ACD 10.
RunaBegum v. Tower Hamlets London Borough Council 2 AC 430.
R (onthe application of Thompson) v. Law Society 2 All ER 113.
Townand County Planning Act 1990, s. 35 B (4).
Fraserv. State Services Commission 1 NZLR 116, at 122, 125; Binney v.Secretary of State for the Environment JPL 871.
Local Government Act 1972, s. 236 (asamended).
R. v.Secretary of State for Health, ex parte US Tobacco International Inc. QB 353.
ouncil of Civil Service Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service AC 374, at 402, per Lord Fraser. 另一位法官也强调,“行政机构应当拿出证据,而不能仅仅宣称‘事关国家安全’”。Ibid, at 421, per Lord Roskill.
Chahalv. UK 23 EHRR 413.
PlantHealth Act 1967, ss.3, 4 (as amended).
HighwayAct 1980, s. 258.
RoadTraffic Act 1988, ss. 69, 70, 72.
FoodSafety Act 1990, s. 9. 但销毁食品的决定只能由治安法官作出。
PublicHealth (Control of Disease) Act 1984, s.41; Public Health Act 1961, ss.17, 37. 但其它为防止传染病扩散的行政强制措施,仍应以事先告知为条件,例如拆除违章建筑、腾出害虫孳生的房屋等。
R. v.Halliday AC 260; Liversidge v. Anderson AC 206.
R. v.Powys CC, ex parte Horner Fam. Law 320.
R. v.Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Pegasus Holdings (London)Ltd. 1 WLR 990.
R. v.Life Assurance Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation, ex parte Ross QB 17.
PublicHealth (Control of Disease) Act 1984, s. 32, 35-36, 38, 48.
earlberg v. Varty 2 All ER 6.
DeSmith, Woolf & Jowell, Principles of Judicial Review (Sweet & Maxwell,1999), pp.379-386。
Wisemanv. Borneman AC 297, at 317-321, per Lord Wilberforce. 法院在该案中驳回了原告的请求。
RePergamon Press Ltd. Ch. 388.
Rees v.Crane 2 AC 173.
Planning(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, s.20. 但在实践中,行政机构通常会非正式地告知房主。
CustomsConsolidation Act 1876, s. 42; Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s. 139,Sched. 3. 另见ObscenePublications Act 1959, s. 3 (3). 如果当事人提出异议,争议通过诉讼解决。