Analysis on the Criterion for the Judgment of Non-obviousness of E-business Method Patent
Since 1998, the main countries all over the world gradually reached an agreement on the patentability of E-business method. However, they set different criteria for the judgment of non-obviousness. At the beginning, the thesis expounds the theoretical criterion for the judgment of non-obviousness, holds that the judgment of non-obviousness should be made after the inspection on the whole program of E-business method invention, and clarifies the relation between non-obviousness and technical nature. After that, by analyzing the reasons of the United States, Europe and Japan, s non-persisting in the theoretical criterion, the thesis advocates that the concrete criterion should be set after considering the whole patent system as well as the level of science and technology and the development of industry. In the conclusion, after taking account of the present conditions, the thesis concludes that our country should take " outstanding virtual peculiarity" as the criterion of non-obviousness, and make judgment after the inspection on the whole program of invention, instead of requesting the technology of the program to be provided with excessive creativeness.
E-business method patent;criterion for the judgment of non-obviousness;enlightenment
1998年,美国联邦巡回上诉法院对“道富银行诉签记金融集团公司”一案(State Street Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, Inc. )的判决开创了电子商务商业方法专利的先河。继之,欧盟、日本也都陆续修改各自的专利法律制度,将长久以来一直被排除于可专利性主题范围之外的商业方法纳入了专利制度保护范畴。2002年末至2003年初,我国国家知识产权局亦先后授予美国花旗银行的两项电子商务商业方法发明以专利权。[1] 可以说,在科学技术和电子商务迅猛发展的今天,对于电子商务商业方法的可专利性问题,世界各主要国家已经达成一致意见。当前存在较大分歧之处在于,对于一项具体的电子商务商业方法而言,如何判断其是否符合专利条件。从审查实践来看,在各项专利条件中,审查的难点集中于创造性的判断标准上,而在近年来美国专利商标局、欧洲专利局和日本特许厅于日本东京举行的关于“计算机实施的商业方法发明专利保护问题”的会谈上,三方也将创造性判断标准作为讨论重点之一。