原文:Habebant et illa studia, quae honesta vocabantur, ductum suum intuentem fora litigiosa, ut excellerem in eis, hoc laudabilior, quo fraudulentior. tanta est caecitas hominum de caecitate etiam gloriantium.
人人丛书(2001):My studies, too -- ''the liberal arts'', as they were called -- were leading me in a direction of their own; they led me towards ''the brawling law courts'', intending me to excel in them; for the better I could deceive, the more I would be praised. Such is the blindness of men that they boast even of their own blindness.
沃茨译本(1631):Those studies of mine also which were accounted commendable, were intended towards the Law, with an ambition to prove excellent at them; so much the famouser as I proved the craftier. Such is men''s blindness, that they even brag of their own owleyedness.
新译其实不错,中规中矩,学院派英文。但沃茨的语言驾驭能力明显高出一筹,且风格近于原文的虬枝蔓延:so much the famouser as I proved the craftier;相比之下,新译的老实简直像期末论文:for the better I could deceive, the more I would be praised。尤其旧译结尾一字“owleyedness”点题,全段皆活:像猫头鹰一般,白天睁个大眼,什么也看不清——英美人好用猫头鹰喻人呆瞎:as stupid/blind as an owl——蠢笨到了这田地,还洋洋得意!
【参考文献】奥古斯丁:《忏悔录》(The Confessions), Philip Burton英译,人人丛书,2001。