【注释】 本文为Amazu Asouzu著,朱伟东译。作者Amazu A.Asouzu是ACI仲裁员、伦敦大学法学博士,现为伦敦大学国王学院法学教授。
原文发表于1999年《国际仲裁》杂志(Arbitration International, 1999),是Asouzu教授所著《国际商事仲裁与非洲国家》(International Commercial Arbitration and African States)一书的一部分。
【参考文献】[1] A. Nussbaum, Treaties on Commercial Arbitration—A Test of International Private Law Legislation, (1942) 56 Harvard LR 219; K. W. Patchett, Recognition of Commercial Judgments and Awards in the Commonwealth, (1984) at pp.195-201.
[2] 例如,毛里求斯在1969年7月18日继承了日内瓦条约。乌干达在1965年5月5日正式签署了日内瓦公约。参加UN: Multilateral Treaties Deposited With the Secretary-General: Status as at 31 December 1996 (1997) at pp.965-968; 乌干达1930年《仲裁条例》实施了日内瓦公约,《乌干达法律》(第二卷)第55号《
[3] (1968) 2 ALR Comm. 350.
[4] 肯尼亚第50号法律。1927年公约是该法的一个附件。
[5] (1968) 2 ALR Comm.359 per Newbold, p. See also ibid. at pp.345-356 per law, JA.应该注意的是,肯尼亚在1989年加入了《纽约公约》。根据该公约第7条第2款的规定,《日内瓦议定书》和《日内瓦公约》在肯尼亚和其他《纽约公约》的缔约国之间不再具有效力,在它们受其约束时。
[6] A. Redfern and M. Hunter, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration (1991,2nd edn.) at pp. 60-64; P. Contini, The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in (1959) 8 American J Comparative Law 283 at pp. 287-291; Patchett, supra note 1 at pp. 195-202, for a summary of the aims of the Treaties of 1923 and 1927 and their defects necessitating the conclusion of the New York Convention. 此外,更多具有不同经济和意识形态背景的国家在1945年后加入联合国。
[7] 有关公约的背景、准备情况、案例及评论参见G. Gaja, International Commercial Arbitration : New York Convention, 3 Binders (April 1990); A. Jan van den Berg, The New York Convention of 1958: Towards a Uniform Judicial Interpretation (1981); S. M. Schwebel, A Celebration of the United Nations New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1986) in 12 Arbitration International 83 at p.84.
[8] Schwebl,op.cit. at 84. 公约的重要性最近被人再次提起,称它是“当代国际仲裁的摇篮……整个国际仲裁大厦的基石。”参见The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Kerr, Concord and Conflict in International Arbitration in (1997) 13 Arbitration International 121 at pp.122,127; 有关联合国在此方面的其他贡献,参见A. A. Asouzu, Some Contributions of the United Nations, Its Organs and Agencies to International Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation: Implications for Africa’s Economic Development in (1995) 7 ASICL Proc. At pp. 213-237. ISSN 0956-8042.
[9] Redfern and Hunter, supra note 6, at pp.63-64; ALLCC: Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Assistance Through Inter-Institutional Co-operation in Regional Seminar on International Commercial Arbitration, New Delhi, 12-14 March 1984 (held under the joint auspices of the AALCC and the UNCITRAL Secretariat in Co-operation with the Indian Council of Arbitration) Topic 4.
[10] See generally Sir Michael Kerr,supra note 8 at pp.129-141; The New York Convention of 1958: ASA Special Series No. 9(August 1996) for comparative reports and materials.
[11] R. J. Graving, How Non-Contracting States to the Universal New York Arbitration Convention Enjoy Third- Party Benefits But Not Third-Party Rights in (1997) 14 J. Int’l Arb. 167.
[12] Creighton Ltd v. The Government of Qatar (Ministry of Public Works) (1996) 21 Y B Comm. Arb. 751 (1998); Imbar Maritima SA and Ors v. The Republic of Congo (1990) 15 Y B Comm. Arb. 436.
[13] Shaheen Natural Resources Company Inc. v. Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transportation et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures (Sonatrach of Algeria) (1985) 10 Y B Comm. Arb. 540.
[14] Title 9 USC, Chapter 2.
[15] Article 1 (1).
[16] Republic of Gabon v. Swiss Oil Corporation, decision of Grand Court of Cayman Islands, 17 June 1988 (1989) 14 Y B Comm. Arb. 621 (excerpts); digested in The White and Case International Arbitration Newsletter, vol. II, No. 1 (February 1989) at pp.12-14; The White and Case International Arbitration Newsletter, vol. II, No. 2 (June 1989) at pp.4-7.
[17] 应该注意的是,加蓬共和国还不是《纽约公约》的成员国。
[18] I. Achebe, United Nations Arbitration Convention: Implications for Nigeria in (1974) 8 JWTL 420 at p.425; Patchett, supra note 1.
[19] Arbitration: A Draft International Arbitration Act for South Africa ( South African Law Commission: Discussion Paper 69, Project 94) at pp.60-61, paras. 3.10-3.15.
[20] Ibid. at p. 60 para. 3.10.
[21] see A.A. Asouzu, The Legal Framwork for Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation in Nigeria in (1994) 9 ICSID Review FILJ 214 at pp.234-235.
[22] S.54 (1) of cap. 19 Laws of of the Federation of Nigeria, vol.1 (rev.ed.1990).
[23] L. Fagbohun, Foreign Commercial Arbitral Awards and Judicial Enforcement in Nigeria, in Contemporary Legal Issues in Nigerian Law: Essays in Honor of Judge Bola Ajibola (ed. C.O. Okonkwo,1992) at pp.65,69.
[24] 对于尼日利亚作出的声明,参见L. F. Brown (ed.), The International Arbitration Kit: A Compilation of Basic and Frequently Requested Documents 25 (1993); Berg, supra note 7, at p.415; Gaja (ed.), supra note 7, part VI, at VI.7 (vol.3); Multilateral Treaties, supra note 2, at p. 863.