

Legal Risk in the Context of the Basel New Capital Accord

刘 轶

Legal risk is initially included in the capital adequacy regulatory framework of international banks by the New Basel Capital Accord, which poses a higher standard for risk management and capital regulations of the banking industry. By explaining the related provisions of the New Basel Capital Accord, this article systematically examines the concept and nature of legal risk and the institutional framework and process for legal risk management, and produces some advice on the establishment of China’s regulatory framework for legal risks. As for the New Basel Capital Accord, legal risk means the possibility of increased exposure cause by unlawful transactions or unfavorable external legal event, including two categories, i.e., operational legal risk and environmental legal risk. Legal risk is a particular form of operational risk, widespread in banks’ all business lines, and banks should allocate enough capital for it. An effective management framework of legal risks shall be based on a sound governance structure composed of the board/senior management, legal function and internal audit committee. Banks shall implement processes and procedures to identify, assess, monitor and control/mitigate legal risks. China’s regulatory authority shall borrow the advanced concept and best practices embodied in the New Basel Capital Accord, and enact guidelines, in which legal risk is precisely defined, to help Chinese banks improve governance structure and develop skills and techniques for legal risk management.
      李仁真*  刘 轶**
  近十多年来,金融全球化进程极大地改变了整个国际金融市场的面貌。在新的市场环境中,国际活跃银行(internationally active banks)大规模地跨境和跨行业拓展业务,积极地利用外包(outsourcing)和互联网等方式提供金融服务,广泛地运用各种风险缓释技术(risk mitigation techniques)。于是,国际银行业的风险状况日益复杂,除了传统的信用风险(credit risk)和市场风险(market risk)外,法律风险(legal risk)在商业银行风险组合中的地位不断上升,对其风险总量的影响也越来越大。巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,以下简称巴塞尔委员会)在2004年6月公布的《统一资本计量和资本标准的国际协议:修订框架》(International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework,以下简称《新资本协议》) 中,首次将法律风险纳入了国际银行资本充足率监管框架,要求国际活跃银行采用规定的方法计量法律风险,并以此为基础确定其资本标准。该协议对商业银行全面风险管理体系的建立以及各国银行资本监管制度的完善都提出了更高的要求,并将于2006年底开始在十国集团国家实施。因此,解读《新资本协议》和其他有关巴塞尔文件的规定 ,阐明“什么是法律风险”、“由谁来管理法律风险”和“如何管理法律风险”等问题,将有助于推动我国银行监管制度与国际银行监管惯例接轨,优化银行公司治理结构,提高银行业的风险管理水平和综合经营能力。

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