
33. 参见合同法1116263334条
34.See MORTEN FOSS AND LEE A.BYGRAVE“International Consumer Purchases through the Internet: Jurisdictional Issues pursuant to European Law ”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol.8No.2 ,P102
35.See Brussels Convention of 1968,art.13-15;Rome Convention of 1980, art.5 (2)
36.See Brussels Convention of 1968, art.2 (1)
37.See Brussels Convention of 1968, art.17 (1)
38.See MORTEN FOSS AND LEE A.BYGRAVE“International Consumer Purchases through the Internet: Jurisdictional Issues pursuant to European Law ”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol.8No.2 ,P102
39.See Brussels Convention of 1968, art.13
40.See Brussels Convention of 1968, art.14
41.See Brussels Convention of 1968, art.15
42.See Brussels Convention of 1968, art.5 (5)
43。See MORTEN FOSS AND LEE A.BYGRAVE“International Consumer Purchases through the Internet: Jurisdictional Issues pursuant to European Law ”,International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol.8No.2 ,P101
44.See MORTEN FOSS AND LEE A.BYGRAVE“International Consumer Purchases through the Internet: Jurisdictional Issues pursuant to European Law ”,International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol.8No.2 ,P108-132
45.See Commission Proposal COM(1999)348 final, available at http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/com/reg/en_register_1920.html.(visited on 3,6,2000)
46.See Ferrera, Lichtenstein, Reder, August, Schiano:CyberLAW ---Text and Cases, P349, 2001 by WEST THOMSON LEARNING Publishing
47.See MORTEN FOSS AND LEE A.BYGRAVE:“International Consumer Purchases through the Internet: Jurisdictional Issues pursuant to European Law ”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol.8No.2, P134-135
48.See UCITA, art.110
49.See UCITA, art.104 (1)
50.See UCITA, art.105 (b)(c)
51.See ABA Transnational Issues in Cyberspace:A Project on The Law Relating to Jurisdiction :Canadian Law on Jurisdiction in Cyberspace, available at http://www.abanet.org/home.html(visited on 5,2,2001)
52.See Industry Canada“Consumer Protection Rights in Canada in the Context of E-Commerce”,March1998,Available at http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/ca01031e.html.(visited on 6,2,2001)
53.See NORONHA ADVOGADOS ABA JURISDICTION PROJECT: A Brazilian Perspective ,available at http://www.abanet.org/home.html(visited 5,2,2001)
54.See MORTEN FOSS AND LEE A.BYGRAVE“International Consumer Purchases through the Internet: Jurisdictional Issues pursuant to European Law ”on International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol.8No.2 ,P135
55.See Reinhard Schu“The Applicable Law to Consumer Contracts Made Over the Internet ”,International Journal of Law and Information Technology,Vol.5 No.2, P201
56.See Ferrera, Lichtenstein, Reder, August, Schiano: CyberLAW ---Text and Cases ,P3522001 by WEST THOMSON LEARNING Publishing
57.See Ferrera, Lichtenstein, Reder, August, Schiano:CyberLAW ---Text and Cases, P351, 2001 by WEST THOMSON LEARNING Publishing
58.See Reinhard Schu“The Applicable Law to Consumer Contracts Made Over the Internet ”,International Journal of Law and Information Technology,Vol.5 No.2, P200
59.See Reinhard Schu“The Applicable Law to Consumer Contracts Made Over the Internet”,International Journal of Law and Information Technology,Vol.5 No.2, P201
60.See Rome Convention art.3 (4), Hague Convention 1955 art.2 Par.3, Hague Convention 1986 art.10 (1)
61.See Rome Convention 1980,art.2

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