这,也应当成为我国《 公司法》选择审计模式的基本出发点。
【注释】 本文的基础研究得到中国注册会计师协会“《公司法》法定审计制度比较研究”课题的资助,特此致谢。
ower’s Principles of Modern Company Law (4thed.),London: Stevens & Sons,1980 at 41.
M..Power, “FromCommon Sense to Expertise: Reflections on the Prehistory of Audit Sampling”, Accounting,Organization and Society, Vol. 17, No.1, at 37-62。
Richard Murray,“A View from the USA”,in Minnis, E.P. &Nobes, C.W., (ed.) Accountants’ Liability in the 1980s: An InternationalView, London:Croom Helm, 1985,at 76.
Power,M., The Audit Explosion,London: Demos,1994.
Ross L. Watts,“Agency Problems, Auditing, and the Theory of the Firm: Some Evidence”. Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. XXVI, October 1983;
J.Freedman & M. Godwin,”The statutory audit and the Micro Company – An Empirical Investigation” ]J.B.L.105.