[5] 王琳,《法眼看天下、杜绝“高学历法盲”》,南国都市报,[N],2002、3、4。
The Legal Accomplishment of Contemporary College Students and Reform of the Legal System Education
Han Shi Qiang & Chen Xiu Jun
(Zhe jiang Light Industry & Textile College, Ningbo, Zhe jiang Province, 315211)
Abstract: The necessary legal accomplishment is not only the foundation for young college students participate in the society but also the responsibility of higher education to teach students. In recent years, the frequent phenomenon of college students committing crimes fully proves that the current education of legal system doesn’t make students really comprehend the law. Therefore, rearranging to design the new way of legal education reform of colleges is of great urgency. Regarding this, with the angle of pedagogy and law, the passage implores the legal education of college students from many ways.
Key words: college student legal accomplishment legal system education reform
【注释】1、韩世强(1972-—),男,仡佬族,贵州省遵义市凤冈人,浙江纺织服装学院职业法制教育研究中心常务副主任;法学硕士;研究方向:法社会学、教育学;通讯地址:宁波市浙江纺织服装学院职业法制教育研究中心(315211);电话:13567880160; E-mail:hsq1655@126.com或hsq1217@126.com. 2、陈秀君(1977——),女,浙江纺织服装学院英语系教师。
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