
  [4] Adkins v. Children''s Hospital. 261 US 525 (1923) .
  [5] 在演说中,罗斯福提及了每个人都应有受良好教育,挣足够钱得到足够食物、衣裳和娱乐,获得足够医疗保障,有象样家居,获得有用和有报酬工作以及免于老龄、疾病、事故和失业之忧的权利。
  [6] West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish. 300 US 379 (1937).
  [7] 埃里克·方纳:《美国自由的故事》,商务印书馆2002年版,第292页。
  [8] Goldberg v. Kelly. 397 US 254 (1970).
  [9] John P. Collins, Welfare Reform, 16 Yale L. & Pol''y Rev. 221(1997).
  [10] Blessing v Freestone, 520 U.S. 329 (1997).
  [11] E·博登海默:《法理学、法律哲学与法律方法》,邓正来译,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第58页。
  [12] L·亨金:《权利的时代》,知识出版社1997年版,第89页。
  [13] James Griffin, Welfare Rights, in Rights, Equality, and Liberty, edited by
  Guido princione and Horacio spector, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
  [14] Albert M. Bendich, Privacy, Poverty, and the Constitution, 54 Cal. L. Rev.
  407 (1966); Archibald Cox, The Supreme Court, 1965 Term - Foreword: Constitutional
  Adjudication and the Promotion of Human Rights, 80 Harv. L. Rev. 91 (1966); Arthur
   Selwyn Miller, Toward a Concept of Constitutional Duty, Sup. Ct. Rev. 199 (1968) .
  [15] Lindsay v. Normet ,405 U.S. 56, 74 (1972)
  [16] Lavine v. Milne, 424 U.S. 577, 585 n.9 (1975)
  [17] DeShaney v. Winnebago, 489 U.S. 196 (1989)
  [18] Mass. Coalition for the Homeless v. Sec''y of Human Servs., 511 N.E.2d 603
  (Mass. 1987)
  [19] L.T. v. N.J. Dep''t of Human Servs., 633 A.2d 964 (N.J. 1993)
  [20]参见凯斯 R.森斯坦著,傅蔚冈译:《为什么美国宪法缺乏社会和经济权利保障?》(未刊稿)(感谢傅蔚冈先生提供译稿,在此致以谢意)。
  [21] Mary Ann Glendon, Rights in Twentieth-Century Constitutions, 59 U. Chi. L.
  Rev. 519, 532-34 (1992)
  [22] Matthew Diller, Poverty Lawyering in the Golden Age, 93 Mich. L. Rev. 1401,
  1428 (1995).
  [23] Cass R. Sunstein, Against Positive Rights, in Western Rights? Post-Communist
   Application 225, 229 (Andras Sajo ed., 1996).
  [24] Jonathan Feldman, Separation of Powers and Judicial Review of Positive Rights

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