
成果是大量的,但是由于没有一个统一的基本理论框架,因此,著作都是专题性的,并且跨越了诸多领域。相关成果和问题可参看,Lawrence Friedman, “The Law and Society Movement,” Stanford Law Review vol. 38, 1980, 页805以下;Richard A. Posner, TheProblematics of Legal and Moral Theory, Harvard University Press, 1999,特别是页211以下。

例如,James Boyd.White, The Legal Imagination: Studies inthe Nature of Legal Thought and Expression, Little, Brown, and Company, 1973;Richard A. Posner, Law and Literature, AMisunderstood Relation, Harvard University Press, 1988。

例如,Roberto M.Unger, The Critical Legal StudiesMovement, Harvard University Press, 1986; Mark Kelman, A Guide to Critical Legal Studies, Harvard University Press, 1987。

例如,CarolGilligan, In a Different Voice:Psychological Theory and Women’s Development, Harvard University Press,1982; Catherine A. Mackinnon, FeminismUnmodified: Discourses of Life and Law, Harvard University Press, 1987。

例如,Patricia J.Williams, The Alchemy of Race and Rights,Harvard University Press, 1991; Derrick Bell, And We Are Not Saved: The Elusive Quest for Racial Justice, BasicBooks, 1987。

例如,统计学,PeterTillers and Eric D. Green eds, Probabilityand Inference in the Law of Evidence: The Uses and Limits of Bayesianism,1998; 社会生物学,RichardA. Posner, Sex and Reason, HarvardUniversity Press, 1992。

请看,Fred R.Shapiro, “The Most-cited Legal Scholars,” TheJournal of Legal Studies, vol. 29 (pt.2), 2000, pp.424-425。其中引证最多的是波斯纳(7000余次),其次是德沃金(4000余次),法条主义学者引证最多的是却伯,4000多次,略少于德沃金。

有关的实证研究,请看,FredR. Shapiro, “The Most-Cited Law Review Articles Revisited,” Chicago-Kent Law Review (1996); 又请看,James E. Krier and Stewart J.Schwab, “The Cathedral at Twenty-Five: Citation and Impression,” Yale Law Journal (1997)。在这两个根据不同数据库所作的实证研究中,科斯的这篇发表于1960年(实际是1961年)论文的引证次数都居榜首,而且遥遥领先,超出排名第二的论文近一倍。

Posner, The Problematics ofLegal and Moral Theory, 同上,页292以下。

Richard A. Posner, TheProblems of Jurisprudence, Harvard University Press, 1990.

Richard A. Posner, OvercomingLaw, Harvard University Press, 1995.

Posner, The Problematics ofLegal and Moral Theory, 同上,页xiii。

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