On the other hand, WTO cannot completely reconcile trade and environment conflicts. There are some obstacles which have beyond WTO regime. Firstly, have to consider how to deal with the potential conflict between itself and MEAS and cooperate with other environmental NGOs, because if trade liberalization is to be reconciled with environmental protection, the optimal environmental management needs to be in place. In addition, to arrive at a satisfactory solution to the trade and environment conflict, there are some common political premises that have to go beyond the WTO regime. For the benefit of the whole world, developed countries must assume a responsible attitude toward developing and least developed countries. The gap between the rich and the poor of the world must be reduced. Economically emerging nations bear the primary responsibility for preserving biodiversity, and industrialised nations for reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy.
【注释】‘Environment and Trade- A Handbook ’ available from www.iisd.org/trade/handbook/default.htm Eric Neumayer “Trade and the Environment: A critical Assessment and some suggestions for Reconciliation” Journal of Environment & Development, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2000 p139 Supra p142 Nordstrom, Hakan and Scott Vaughan. ‘Trade and environment (special studies #4)’ Geneva: WTO, 1999. p4 Stephen Green ‘Reforming China’s Economy: A Rough Guide’ The Royal Institute of International Affairshttp://www.riia.org/asia p26 Tania Voon ‘Sizing Up The WTO: Trade-Environment Conflict and The KYOTO Protocol’ Journal of Transnational Law & Policy Vol 10:1 Fall 2000 p73 Schienbaum ‘International Law and the Environment’ (2nd ed, 2002) ‘Environment ‘Environment and Trade- A Handbook ’ www.iisd.org/trade/handbook/default.htm The background materials available from ‘Environmental History’ http://www.wto.org, see also Nordstrom, Hakan and Scott Vaughan. ‘Trade and environment (special studies #4)’ Geneva: WTO, 1999. Annex I: ‘Trade and Environment in the GATT/WTO (Background Note by the Secretariat)’, see also ‘Trading into the Future: the Introduction to the WTO ’ http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/tif_e/bey4_4.htm ‘The WTO and Its Committee on Trade and Environment’ http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/issu1_e.htm Gary P. Sampson ‘World Trade Organisation and Agreements to Deal with the Environment’ p2 www.geic.or.jp/interlinkages/docs/Sampson.pdf Trading into the Future: the Introduction to the WTO ’ http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/tif_e/bey4_4.htm
‘Relevant WTO Provisions: Texts’http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/envir_e.htm Tania Voon ‘Sizing Up The WTO: Trade-Environment Conflict and The KYOTO Protocol’ Journal of Transnational Law & Policy Vol 10:1 Fall 2000 p79 ‘CTE on: Environmental Protection and the Trading System’ http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e ‘Environment: CTE Agenda Part 3’http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/cte00_e.htm and see also ‘the Environment- a New High Profile’ http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/bey4_e.htm Eric Neumayer “Trade and the Environment: A critical Assessment and some suggestions for Reconciliation” Journal of Environment & Development, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2000 p146 WTO, 1998b, paragraph 185 ‘Parameters of the Discussion in the WTO ’http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/envir_e.htm Dr. Thilo Bode paper presented at the conference organized by the DGAP on 28 January 2002 on