11.6.3 UPICC/PECL Approach
11.6.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 12 Effects of Termination
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Relief of Future Performance
12.3 Retrospective or Prospective Approach
12.4 Unaffected Rights and Obligations after Termination
12.4.1 Continuing Right to Claim Damages
12.4.2 Unaffected Clauses Intended to Apply despite Termination
12.5 Restitution
12.5.1 In General
12.5.2 Entitlement of Parties to Restitution on Termination
12.5.3 Restitution under the PECL Property reduced in value: Art. 9:306 Recovery of money paid and property: Arts. 9:306, 9:307 Concluding remarks
12.5.4 Restitution of Benefits Received
12.5.5 Exceptions: Restitution Not Possible or Appropriate CISG approach: making restitution a prerequisite for avoidance UPICC/PECL approach: focusing on the allowance upon impossible restitution Comparative perspectives Concluding remarks
Chapter 13 General Measure of Damages
13.1 Right to Damages
13.2 Full Compensation
13.3 Recoverable Losses
13.4 Compensation of Non-pecuniary Loss
13.5 Computation of Losses and Gains
Chapter 14 Limits to Claims for Damages
14.1 General Considerations
14.2 Foreseeability of Loss
14.2.1 In General
14.2.2 Test for Foreseeability
14.2.3 Party Concerned and Reference Point
14.2.4 Evaluation of Foreseeability
14.2.5 Content of Foreseeability
14.2.6 Concluding Remarks
14.3 Certainty of Harm
14.4 Contribution to Harm
14.4.1 In General
14.4.2 Ways of Contributing to the Harm
14.4.3 Remedies Affected by the Contribution Remedies available upon non-performance caused solely by the contribution
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