Remedies for Non-performance:Perspectives from CISG, UNIDROIT Principles & PECL(一)

  ULIS  Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods
  UPICC/UNIDROIT Principles  UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts
  YCA   Yearbook Commercial Arbitration
  B. For Journals
  AJIL  American Journal of International Law
  Am.J.Comp.L.   American Journal of Comparative Law
  Am.Rev.Int''l.Arb.   American Review of International Arbitration
  Ann.Surv.Int''l &Comp.L.   Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law
  Arb.Int.   Arbitration International
  Ariz.J.Int''l &Comp.L.   Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law
  Col.J.Transnat''l L.   Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
  Comp.L.Yb.Int''l Bus.   Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business
  Europ.Rev.Pr.L.  European Review of Private Law
  Georgetown L.&P.Int''l Bus.   Georgetown Law and Policy in International Business
  G.Wash.J.Int''l L.&Ec.   George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics
  Harv.Int''l L.J.   Harvard International Law Journal
  Harv.L.Rev.   Harvard Law Review
  ICLQ   International & Comparative Law Quarterly
  ILM   International Legal Materials
  Int''l Arb.Rep.   International Arbitration Report
  Int''l Arb.L.Rev.   International Arbitration Law Review
  Int''l & Comp. L.Q.  The International & Comparative Law Quarterly
  J.Bus.L.   Journal of Business Law
  J.Int''l Arb.   Journal of International Arbitration
  J.Int''l Bus.L.   Journal of International Business Law
  J.Int''l L.&Pol.   Journal of International Law and Policy
  J. L. & Com.   Journal of Law and Commerce
  JWTL   Journal of World Trade Law
  L.& Pol.Int''l Bus.   Law and Policy in International Business
  Tul.J.Int''l Comp.L.   Tulane Journal of International Comparative Law

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