
Case 266/85 Shenavai v Kreischer ECR 239

Case 266/85 Shenavai v Kreischer ECR 239, para. 9 of the judgment
Ketilbjorn Hertz, Jurisdiction in Contract and Tort under the Brussels Convention, Juris- og Okonomforbundets Forlag, 1998, PP. 95

“The argument presented to the court dealt not only with the problem whether regard should be had to the nature of the disputed contract in determining the obligation to be taken into account, but also with the problem raised by the presence, within one and the same dispute, of a number of obligations forming the basis of the judicial proceedings”, Case 266/85 Shenavai v Kreischer ECR 239, para. 13 of the judgment, para. 3,4 of the judgment

Case 266/85 Shenavai v Kreischer ECR 239, para. 16 of the judgment

Case 266/85 Shenavai v Kreischer ECR 239, para. 19 of the judgment

Ketilbjorn Hertz, Jurisdiction in Contract and Tort under the Brussels Convention, Juris- og Okonomforbundets Forlag, 1998, PP. 98

Case C-420/97 Leathertex v Bodetex ECR I-6747

Case C-420/97 Leathertex v Bodetex ECR I-6747, para 11 of the judgment
Case C-420/97 Leathertex v Bodetex ECR I-6747, para 40 of the judgment

Case C-420/97 Leathertex v Bodetex ECR I-6747, para 41 of the judgment

Paul R Beaumont, The Brussels Convention Becomes a Regulation: Implications for Legal Basis, External Competence, and Contract Jurisdiction, Reform and Development of Private International Law, Edited by James Fawcett, Oxford University Press, PP. 19

Paul R Beaumont, The Brussels Convention Becomes a Regulation: Implications for Legal Basis, External Competence, and Contract Jurisdiction, Reform and Development of Private International Law, Edited by James Fawcett, Oxford University Press, PP. 20

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