
  12.1.4 If the Vessel is under repair during part only of a period for which a return is claimable, the return shall be calculated pro rata to the number of days under 12.1.2(a) and (b) respectively.
  12.2.1 a total loss of the Vessel, whether by insured perils or otherwise, has not occurred during the period covered by this insurance or any extension thereof
  12.2.2 in no case shall a return be allowed when the Vessel is lying in exposed or unprotected waters, or in a port or lay-up area not approved by the Underwriters
  12.2.3 loading or discharging operations or the presence of cargo on board shall not debar returns but no return shall be allowed for any period during which the Vessel is being used for the storage of cargo or for lightening purposes
  12.2.4 in the event of any amendment of the annual rate, the above rates of return shall be adjusted accordingly
  12.2.5 in the event of any return recoverable under this Clause 12 being based on 30 consecutive days which fall on successive insurances effected for the same Assured, this insurance shall only be liable for any amount calculated at pro rata of the period rates 12.1.2(a) and/or (b) above for the number of days which come within the period of this insurance and to which a return is actually applicable. Such overlapping period shall run, at the option of the Assured, either from the first day on which the Vessel is laid up or the first day of a period of 30 consecutive days as provided under 12.1.2 (a) or (b) above.
  12 停泊和解约时的退费
  12.1 按下列规定退还保险费:
  12.1.1 若本保险经协议解除,每一未开始的月份的净保险费按月比例退还
  12.1.2 如果船舶在保险人认可的港口或停泊水域每次连续停泊30天:
  (a) 未进行修理的,按净保险费   %计算
  (b) 已进行修理的,按净保险费   %计算
  12.1.3 对船舶正常损耗及/或按照船级社建议进行检验而进行的工作,船舶不应视为正在修理,但因船舶损坏或损害或涉及结构改变的任何修理,无论是否在本保险承保项下均应视为正在修理。
  12.1.4 如果保险船舶修理期间,仅部分时间属于可退保险费期间,退费应分别按照第12.1.2(a)和(b)两项中的日数比例计算
  12.2 还应符合下列条件:
  12.2.1 在本保险的保险期间内或其延续期间内发生保险船舶的全损,不论是否由于承保危险所致
  12.2.2 若保险船舶停泊于暴露或无防护的水域,或停泊于未经保险人认可的港口或停泊区,则不予退费。
  12.2.3 装卸作业或船上有货物不影响退费,但保险船舶被用作贮藏或驳运货物的任何期间,不允许退费
  12.2.4 年保险费率修改时,上述保险费退回率也应作相应调整
  12.2.5 根据本条可得到的退费,基于连续30天的停泊期跨越同一被保险人投保的连续保险时,本保险仅负责按上述第12.1.2(a)和(b)分项规定的退费率,对属于本保险的保险期间内的实际停泊天数的比例计算出来的退费。被保险人有权选择此种重叠期应自保险船舶闲置的第一天开始起算,或自上述第12.1.2(a)和(b)分项规定的连续30天期间的第一天开始起算。

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