


  The  article  examines  why  the  Anglo-American  constitutional  systems  were  difficult  to  be  transplanted  in  China  during  the  past  century.Modern  constitutionalism  is  characterized  by  the  guarantee  of  human  rights  and  the  design  of  a  limited  government.By  contrast,most  Chinese  constitutional  codes  in  the  20th  century  were  based  on  limited  human  rights  and  omnipotent  governments.How  can  this  be  the  case?  
  Does  a  particular  kind  of  Chinese  constitutionalism  exist?
  In  addition,  how  to  understand  the  problem  of  constitutional  changes  in  China?  To  make  sense  of  these  basic  issues, 
 we  should  probe  deeper  into  the  concept  of  human  nature,  the  foundation  of  constitutional  philosophy,  and  explore further  Chinese  practice  on  constitutionalism-transplanting.The  article  aims  to  establish  an  explanatory  theory  in the  comparative  perspective  of  Confucianism  and  Protestanism,  the  relationship  between  the  philosophies  of  human  nature  and  the  designs  of  constitutional  systems,  which  makes  up  the  core  of  the  argument.  The  article  argues  that  the  fundamental  cause  of  Chinese  failure  in  constitutionalism-transplanting  is  the  defensive,  reactive,  and  even  paranoid  cultural  nationalism,  that  is  ,  the  native  complex  of  Confucianism  and  corresponding  cultural  resistance.  To  compound  the  probelm,  ideologies  such  as  the  Three  Peoples’  Principles  and  Marxism  also  have  been  utilized  to  fig
  ht  against  Protestant  culture.  The  article  concludes  by  suggesting  that  the  most  pressing  question  for  contemporary  constitutionalism  in  China  be  to  reach  a  general  world-wide  pattern  of  cultural  identity.
  17、18世纪的英、法、美国率先确立了以人权保障与实现有限政府为特征的自由宪政,自此开启了西方政治现代化的进程。从文化发生学角度理解,这种欧美式立宪体制被公认为基督教新教伦理世俗化的政治产物。在远东的边缘地带,那个时代的大清帝国有着自己独特的“官僚法体系”和承载着有数千年传统的社会伦理规范。在这个封闭的儒教文化圈里,制度上的自给自足继续维系着一个表面庞大而稳定的帝国。以至于直到19世纪末,举国上下“仍不知宪法为何物”。晚清传统的合法性统治受到严峻的挑战始于1898年的维新变法,康有为、梁启超等人请光绪皇帝移植(日本)明治维新的规划,改革官制、开议院,试行君主立宪。因此,宪政对中国人而言纯粹是舶来品,最初的移植迫于内忧外患的时势,而后在民族自强和现代化的驱使下转化为自主的探索。***1905年,出使各国考察政治大臣载泽等在“请以五年为期改行立宪政体”的奏折中提出移植西洋宪政的必要性和紧迫性,“我国东邻强日,北界强俄,欧美诸邦,环伺逼处,岌岌不可终日,……环球大势如彼,宪法可行如此,保邦致治,非此莫由。”参见故宫博物院明清档案部(编):《清末筹备立宪档案史料》(上),北京:中华书局,1979年,页111。**这一移植和探索过程迄今正好有100年的历史了,其间经历了晚清(1898--1911)、民国(1911--1949),共和国(1949--1998)的政权更迭和意识形态的变迁,中国的宪政运动也随之走过了命运多舛的一个世纪。  说到中国的遭遇,有一个广为人知的事实:从1908的晚清《钦定宪法大纲》的问世到1982年共和国第四部宪法的诞生,计有14部宪法典(含草案)在中国的政治舞台上相继出台,这种戏剧性的情境一方面昭示着风云变幻的艰难时势,也意味着一个世纪的宪政建设一直处到没有根基的状态。这100年来,没有哪种理论不被尝试过,没有哪一种模式(日德式、英美式、苏联式等)不被实践过。

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