
  * 伯颜先生,律师,文学士,以及法学士。他是Davies & Bryan律师事务所的成员,自1917年起在上海执业。
  * 北京大学法学院1999级硕士研究生。
  [1] Vol. 26 Ruling Case Law, page 280.
  [2] Hanover Star Milling Co. vs. Metcalf, 240 U.S., Page 403.
  [3] Sino-British Treaty(中英条约), Article VII, Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 342.
  [4] Sino-American Treaty(中美条约), Article IX, Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 423.
  [5] Sino-Japan Treaty(中日条约), Article V, Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 411.
  [6] Note between Belgium and the United States(比利时与美国备忘录), Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 543; Note between Denmark and Great Britain (丹麦与大不列颠备忘录),Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 547; Note between Haly and the United States, Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 547; Note between the United States and France(美国与法国备忘录) Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 539; Note between the United States and the Netherlands(美国与荷兰备忘录) Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 510; Note between France and Japan(法国与日本备忘录) ,Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, by MacMurray, Vol.1, page 798.
  * 即清政府颁布的《商标注册试办章程》。(译者注)
  [7] 参见附录1。
  [8] 参见《商标注册试办章程》第一条。
  [9] 《商标注册试办章程》第一条。

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